What you can do to LOSE WEIGHT


Losing weight – What you can do

Photo credits www.venus12weekbody.com

Photo credits www.venus12weekbody.com

Losing weight is becoming something of a fad these days.  With our media widespread focusing on skinny people, it seems like if you are big sized, something is wrong with you.  It really does not matter if you are fat or skinny, the main thing that most people forget is keeping good health. Being the extreme of 2 states can be detrimental to your health and that you will only experience the side effects when you are older.


Basically obesity and overweight problems are getting more and more rampant in the society these days. Tight work schedules, harsh deadlines and also busy city life have caused many people to neglect the importance of having to adhere to healthy and good eating and sleeping habits. People these days go for quick meals like fast food and one dish meals, often these meals are not nutritious and might even contain food stuffs that are not even good for our health.

This gets worse if you resort to vices like smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol. Your health will be strongly compromised. Having a hectic life style also cause many people to be not motivated to exercise. They tend to just resort to comfort food and excessive eating to vent their frustration and de- stress. With the lack of exercise, your muscles become fats and flabby. This is where you blood vessels will get congested and blood circulation becomes slow and poor.

Obesity or overweight are often defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. To determine the category that your weight range is in, most people will measure using the Body Mass Index or the BMI in short. This is a simple index of weight for height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as the person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of the person height.

Category BMI range (kg/m2) BMI Prime
Very severely underweight less than 15 less than 0.60
Severely underweight from 15.0 to 16.0 from 0.60 to 0.64
Underweight from 16.0 to 18.5 from 0.64 to 0.74
Normal (healthy weight) from 18.5 to 25 from 0.74 to 1.0
Overweight from 25 to 30 from 1.0 to 1.2
Obese Class I (Moderately obese) from 30 to 35 from 1.2 to 1.4
Obese Class II (Severely obese) from 35 to 40 from 1.4 to 1.6
Obese Class III (Very severely obese) over 40 over 1.6

BMI chart to show which category you belong to

If you fall in the obese class, then it is about time that you lose weight. Not just for the physical outlook but also for health reasons. Based on the World Health Organization Data, In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese. With obesity, a lot more complicated dietary problems and health problems such as diabetes and heart attack will start to plaque the person.

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The Truth about Fad Diets

There are many types of products to help and aid slimming, there are also many books and systems out there to teach you how to shed off the pounds. Many consumers are baffled what is the best way and what is the best product to help them achieve the maximum weight loss. In general, as we are all made differently and we all have different lifestyle. There is no one way that works for you unless you try it out. But the main rule of thumb is : your intake should be lower that your output to achieve weight loss. Therefore, to say, it is either you cut down on the calories intake a day or your increase your metabolic rate by increase in exercising.

Mindset Change

To achieve a permanent weight loss will involve a lot of determination and perseverance.  If you are already leading a lifestyle, which include vices like smoking and drinking alcohol, then it is time that you have to make a decision to give that all up, or to at least cut down on the level. You will also need to set down your mind to start exercising and eating healthily. Only with a total mindset change, then you will be able to make the weight loss a long lasting one. Short term fad diets can be effective and have fast results, but the effects are not lasting. Chances are , after a few months, all will be gained back double folds. Also fad diets such as the apple diet program ( 5 Days), in this diet, the apple is the star player. In short, you will include one apple in the low calorie diet recommended. Not only that certain cardio training is also carried out to increase the level of fat burnt. Some extreme fat losers in fact just take only apples for pure five days and exercise a lot after that. Other extreme fat losers might even take a 10 day challenge to see more extreme results. But think about this, eating only apples for 10 days only, won’t be one feeling very hungry all the time? Your body will also start to reserve whatever small quantities of energy it can find, this really disrupts the body normal function.

7 Simple Steps to be healthier

When you eventually want to resume back to having a normal diet, you will end up eating more! At the same time, your body, which is already accustomed to preserving the energy will make sure it keeps whatever calorie that it can find. This makes things worse. Hunger pangs will make you reach for comfort food like chocolate and chips to make up for that loss feeling. Out of 10 people who did fad short term diets, at least 7 of them felt that they should not have done it in the first place.

Thus it is more sensible to space out your weight loss program, here are some important tips:

  1. Change your mindset and be determined to make it happen.
  2. Do not expect fast results, you body is not a robot, it needs time to adjust and it takes time to lose change to a different lifestyle and respond to it. To lose weight the normal way, you need at least one month for one kg to go.
  3. DO NOT SKIP MEALS. This is true, you can have many small meals a day ( preferably five) or stick to your 3 meals but adjust to having a big breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner. Try not to consume anything after 9 pm.
  4. Cut the alcohol! Alcohol has a lot of sugar and it is full of unnecessary calories. Too much alcohol is also very damaging to your liver.
  5. HIT THE GYM! – Or simply increase your exercise activity. Even things like taking the public transport to go to work or climbing stairs instead of taking the lift will help. Those little calories burnt will make wonders for you.
  6. Get into a support group for weight loss. Try to find like minded people who are on their quest to lose weight and support each other. It is always easier with company than doing it solo.
  7. Increase more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. This is the good old advice given. Always replace with real food rather than processed food like cakes or ice cream.

I would not say that going to try different types of diet to be untrue.  YOU can try the Paleo diet which emphasise on eating for your genetic type.  The aim of the paleo diet is to make sure your eat the right TYPE of food at the right quantity to build a healthier and leaner body.


Cambridge diet is another commonly known type of diet. The Cambridge diet has programmes tailored to the very obese down to those looking to lose an excess half a stone, with each programme having steps to success.  The users tend to lose weight fast especially if you are already very obese.  It needs a lot of discipline after that to ensure that you stick to the diet plan and also the exercise regime to maintain the weight, or else likely the weight will balloon back again.


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