Boost up your energy level without having to eat more

Often we feel tired and lethargic. Your energy level is governed by the source in your cell called Mitochondria. These cells are responsible to convert the food into Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ). How well we recover from exercises, burn energy, and also the ability to focus is also determined by the efficiency of these cells.
The bad news is when we grow older, the mitochondria becomes sluggish and not as efficient as it used to. No one knows why this happens but it just becomes weaker and less efficient. There have been many studies to see what can be done to help prevent the deterioration of the Mitochondria. But seems like some change in you daily habits is able to help slow down this process and may even help to reverse the sluggish operation.
1. Ease up on your Cardio
We all know that high intensity training can help to deliver fast results, but it can also cause oxidative stress Doing it too much and too long might result in back effect and harming the Mitochondria. Try aim for 40 min of moderate intensity activity, keep it to 3-5 times a week. Having proper rest and spaced out training can help to improve your training and allow your Mitochondria to recover too.

2.Use a Foam Roller Every time you sweat

Use the foam roller to massage your tired limbs after an intensive workout.  By doing so, you can actually speed up the muscle recovery and also bump up the endurance.  Use faster and more vigorous techniques to allow better results.  Do go for regular sports therapy and massages.

3. Sleep More Soundly

Sleep soundly

Sleep soundly

Lack of quality sleep an cause oxidative stress and inflammation which can damage the DNA of the Mitochondria.  Ensure that your sleep is deep and not interrupted.   Try not to wake up in between sleeps.

4.Cut down on Junk and Processed Stuff

Cut down on the processed food

Cut down on the processed food

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and as far as possible, reduce food with chemicals and unwanted materials ( preservatives, colourings and simple white sugar).  If you really have a craving, keep it to once or twice a month.

5. Detox to recharge

Once in a while do check into the detox boot camp.  Just do some juicing, or if better, you can go for colon cleansing to remove all unwanted materials in your stomach.  Imagine your body is like a computer, when there are too many data inside, it is time to clear out all that trash and refresh the memory.  Do drink a lot of water daily to do some daily cleansing.

colon cleanse


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