Running Yoga

Many runners believe that just going to sports massages and some physio therapy will be enough for them to cure their running injuries and ailments.  But actually the best way to have a sustainable way to prevent your injuries and such is through proper stretches, and rest times.

Although I cannot consider myself a yoga guru, and I am also guilty of not doing proper stretches.  I do find certain asanas ( poses ) very beneficial for me.  It also depends on your body pains and body type.

Running Form

A proper running form is very important but many of us tend to neglect this.  It gets worse if you do not try to adjust it as bad running posture is like bad sitting and standing posture.  Over the years, it will develop into bad bone structure and affect the way you breathe and your organs are positioned.

The basic steps:

  1. Look in front dont look down.
  2. Keep shoulders pull back and do not slouch.  This will allow the airwave to flow smoothly to the lungs.  Also ensure that the opposite does not happen, do not over arch the back and hyper extend.
  3. Land on mid foot and make sure you heels touch the ground before pulling back.
  4. Keep the hands at the waist level and swing comfortably.
  5. Do not drag your feet.  Keep a strong core to make sure that your limbs are well supported.

Warm up and Cool down

Most of the time when we start to run we skip the warm ups and after run, we will just laze around feeling tired.  Warm up actually helps to prepare the muscles for what ever activities that you are about to engage.

Some people even warm up a bit after they wake up, this is especially useful for old folks who are prone to falling down etc.  A little bit of warm up also makes you more alert before you move off to start your day out from the bed.

Cool down is another activity they we often neglect.  Well, most of the time after a hard run, all we want to do is to chill around, lay down and rest.  I guess for most Singaporeans, they just want to eat.  But it is important to cool down to allow the muscles to recover to the stationery state.

Favorite Asanas

Here are a few of my favorite poses which I do almost everyday.

1.Ardha Hanumanasana: Half Split OR also known as Half Monkey.

Half Split Pose

The full monkey is actually the full split, which even after many years, I am still stuck.  I guess to begin with I have a very stiff body.  Also the hamstrings and gluteals are very very tight due to running.   For Half Spilt.  It is easier for many of us.  But to do it properly you need to ensure that your Hips are squared to the front to achieve the best results.  It helps to relieve the stress at the back of the legs.  Especially hamstring, do ensure that your back is not rounded when doing this pose.  Even if your head cannot touch the knee.  Do not keep rounding the back to achieve it.  The main idea is to get the tummy on to the tighs, slowly bit by bit.  If you cannot reach it.  Just stay where you are and make sure the back is straight.  Make sure you do the alternate sides.

2.Wheel Pose

As usual the full wheel is not attainable by some.  And you really need to open your chest up for this pose.  Wheel pose required a lot of opening of the heart and also relaxation of the back.  Usually in the mornings I will do a few Half wheels before going into the full wheel.

The half wheel

For Half wheel , you simply need to lay back .  Feet on the ground.  You should be able to touch the heels with your fingertips, then slowly extend out your hips upwards and all the way to the neck.  Stay there for about 10 -30 sec.  After which slowly lower down from the neck to the bum.

For the Full wheel , you need to place your palms at your ears, fingers pointing inwards towards your shoulders.  Then slowly push yourself upwards.

Full wheel

I find the wheel pose very good as a counter to our daily lives, we are so used to sitting and crunching in front instead of backwards, this pose will help to open up your chest and also relieve the back tensions.

3.Shoulder stand and swing

There has been much talk about dynamic stretches.  The should stand swing is one good exercise to wake up your body.

Shoulder stand

Lie down on your back and raise up both the legs until your shoulder is supporting on the ground.  You can relax your arms by the side or behind your body or just use them to support the back.  You can just leave your legs up in the air perpendicular to the mat, or you can even roll back like in the picture.

For the dynamic portion, you just need to roll back and front a few times, I usually do about 6 times then follow by the wheel pose.

4.Fish Pose ( Matyasana)

Fish pose is another good exercise for the back and reliving the tension around the neck and the shoulder.

Fish pose

Lie down on the mat, then lifting one side of the body up, place the hands underneath it, and the other side.  When both hands are underneath the body, raise up your body about 45 deg.  Then slowly dip down the top of your head on the mat.  Stay there in the pose for 10-30 sec.  For most of the poses, for it to be effective, you need to hold it for 10-30 sec and repeat at least one time.

This pose I feel really help to open up the chest and relief the stress in the upper part of the body.

5.Warrior Pose

Warrior pose should be attainable by most people, but for people who like to challenge the more difficult level, you can widen the stance or even point the toes.  For me the reverse warrior is a good stretch in the morning for the legs and also the sides of the body.

Standard warrior 2 pose

This pose is easy to do but do note that you should keep the bum in and not extended which means the lower body should all be in line.  The hind leg should be perpendicular to the front leg.  Another point to note is that the arms should be relaxed and shoulders should not be tensed up to the ears.

Reverse warrior

Reverse warrior involves some back bends.  It adds to the balancing difficulty in the pose.

Final Note

Which ever pose you do in yoga, do make sure that you at least hold them for 10 sec.  Do a few reps if possible and finally do not rush into the pose, do some preparation first, make sure that your form is correct and get into the pose.  Yoga is a good form or relaxation and stress relieving.  If you are interested in some free yoga lessons in Singapore, do visit:


This is a group of teachers volunteering to teach yoga for , get this FREE at many places around Singapore.  I personally joined the one in Sri Mariamman Temple in Chinatown.  The 12 weeks class teaches you the basic asanas in Yoga.  One session is about 1 and half hours.  You will need to practice at home after that to improve your poses.

I hope you will also find Yoga beneficial like I do.  Do give it a try , whether at home or in any studios around.

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