Coping and Facing Running Injuries

So there are times where you cannot exactly run or possibly just too tired of running.  I started to think about those years where I can do like 7 marathons a year.  In fact, last year was quite a crazy year for me.  The three ultras that I did really killed my body badly and coupled with bad nutrition.

To speak the truth, after reading up on professional runners and their lifestyle, I think I am a far cry from them.  I drink alcohol almost 3 times a week, I do not eat proper meals but more of small meals throughout the day.  Among them, some are really snacks and biscuits, not real solid stuff.  The only think I do right is that I ensure I at least take a certain amount of vegetables ( the real green leafy type) daily and I force myself to flush with a lot of water.

Drink loads of water

For runners, I think the saddest part is to cope with an injury out of no where.  Sometimes, I get a bit worried having signed up for races way in advance because you never know whether you can still run then.  This is especially so if you have balloted for a major and cannot make it.  I think that will be the greatest disappointment for anyone.

Injury prevention

The first step to prevent yourself to such disappointment is injury prevention.  You must ensure you train smartly and give yourself ample rest time.  Do not undermine the power of rest, you really need it , this is especially so when age catches up.  Here are some of the steps that I take to prevent the injury

1.Training Schedule

Have a schedule towards better training

If you are planning to achieve some Personal Best timing.  Do ensure that you have a proper training schedule for the training portion.  Factor in some rest days, Tempo, Speed and LSD.  Also juggle with other sports so that you will not wear out.  For me, I usually have yoga and pole dancing lessons and practices to even out with some massages to pamper myself.

2. Hydration and Nutrition

Proper meals are important

Yes, I know I need to eat properly but I am guilty of not having proper nutrition myself.  This is especially difficult when you are working in the urban areas.  You will need to choose wisely or bring your own home cooked food.  But I do make sure I drink at least 4 litres of water in the day ( pure plain water).  Personally feel that water is the best agent to detox out whatever that is stuck in the body.  Here are some of the food that I feel gives me the boost:

Acai seeds with Yoghurt

Acai seed with fruits

This is the ultimate mix that helps with passing of motion too.  Getting rid of anything unnecessary in your body helps to keep your body light and less burden.  I personally is very reactive to Acai seeds.  Yoghurt is also good for your gut health too.

Green Tea

Green tea has a lot of Vitamin C

Coffee is good but green tea is less acidic and also has caffeine to help you to keep alert. Green tea is also high in Vitamin C to help boost your immunity.  However, I do have friends who find green tea too harsh for them.  So do try out the tea first before you start to take them regularly.


Blueberry is a good snack, packed with anti oxidants.  The blue berry has high Vitamin C, K and magnese.  It is very good to fend off viruses.  Blue berry is known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.  This is why blue berry is one of my favorite snacks.


Eggs are packed with proteins

I used to think that eggs are not that good especially the yolk which is supposedly to be high in cholesterol.  However, eggs have rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.  The proteins that eggs have helps to repair your muscle tissue loss and also eggs are generically very tasty too.

In general, you can eat almost everything, but in moderation especially processed food and as far as possible, sugary stuff should be avoided.

Injury Times.. Take a break

Time to take a break!

But somehow no matter how much you plan etc.  Injuries do come by.  During such times, I just tell myself get a good break.  Either I slow jog or just walk and enjoy doing other things like watching movie, hanging out at cafes.  Sometimes it feels good not having to go races and just take a step back and relax.

Seek Diagnosis

When met with injury it is important that you seek help, whether Traditional medicine or going to the hospital, do get it checked up.  If it is joint and bone matter, some immediate remedy is to ice what elevate the portion.  Make sure you cut down or stop exercising for a while.  But if you plan to continue the sport, you will need to do some physiotherapy and slowly get back to the exercise again.

I hope these small tips do give you some idea on how to cope with injuries.


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