Trim your tummy and lose the Tummy Fats

Losing the Tummy Fat

Some background knowledge about tummy fats

Subcutaneous fats

Subcutaneous fats

Muffin Tops, love handles are some of the terms we put for the fats that are around our waistline.  Tummy fat is one of the hardest type of fat to get rid of, we hardly use our core throughout the day and for the office workers, it is even worse when you are seating down or in meeting all the time.  With bad posture, you might have even more fats gathered around the tummy area.  Subcutaneous fats are these kind of fats which are visible and can be grabbed with your hand.  Visceral fat, lies deep within the abdominal where it wraps round the organs.  The Visceral fat is more insidious and cause more health concern than the subcutaneous fats but in general both are not desirable and should be eliminated as far as possible.

Visceral fats are linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.  In women, it is linked to breast cancer and also the likelihood of gallbladder surgery.  Visceral fats can actually be easily removed through exercising and dieting.  Research has shown the fat cells are biologically active.  Fat can be thought of as an endocrine organ or gland which produce hormones and other substances that can affect our health.  Excess body fat, especially abdominal fat can disrupt the normal balance and the functioning of the hormones.

Visceral fat pumps out immune system chemicals which are known as cytokines.  These chemicals can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.  These and other biochemicals are thought to have deleterious effects on the cells’ sensitivity to insulin, blood pressure and blood clotting.

What Causes Tummy Fat, How to cut down!

  1. Bad diet: a diet full of fatty processed food will cause fats to be accumulated around the body.
  2. Hormones and Heredity:  Based on studies, it is known that some people tend to have a leaner body while other will develop fats more easily.  It all depends on your body type and hormones.
  3. Stress: Sad to say when you are stressed, your body pumps out a substance like peripheral europeptide Y , that encourages food to be stored as FATS. Anxiety also revs up production of cortisol which will increase your appetite and make you grow fatter.
  4. Sleep deprivation: Studies have also shown that people with ample sleep tend to have lesser fats than those who doesn’t. Lack of sleep boost the hunger hormone Ghrelin and increase your appetite, so you will end up eating more than usual.  It is also essential that you ensure that the sleep is good and consistent.
  5. Taking power walk: Strolling around the neighbourhood about 15 min after meals can help to reduce the blood sugar spides. They to get up and walk earlier in the day.
  6. Sipping red wine: Ellagic acids found in red wine can help to reduce fats around the waist.
  7. Do more Dairy Products: Somehow having milk, yoghurt and cheese a day can help you to lose more fats after 12 weeks than those who does not do any dairy. Dairy products can also help to replenish your calcium and other compounds required for your body.
It is possible to achieve a flat tummy

It is possible to achieve a flat tummy

It is never too late to put your plan into action.  A small change can do wonders in the long term.


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