Swim For Hope 2018

Swim For Hope 2018

Actually this took place before the Great Eastern Women Run.  Only managed to get the photos done up recently.

Swim for Hope is an annual activity to raise funds for the beneficiaries through swimming laps in the pool. Every lap swam is contributed to the funds beneficiaries such as APSN, Singapore Children’s Society and also the SAF care fund. Participants will pick one of the slots in the respective SAFRA Club House and swim as many laps as possible.

with Long term Swim for hope supporter Wee kiat


Definitely not competitive and more for charity, this year’s race even opened up the junior category so that the young ones 6yrs old -12 yrs old can participate and do their part for charity.  Families can also take part with the parent and child category,  to speak the truth, the cost to join the event is really not expensive considered that we have so many expensive races out there which might be only 5km.

Event starting before the participants arrive

Participants gets a cosmetic pouch full of goodies and also an event tee shirt.  The race collection is about 2 weeks before the event and held at the respective club house which you have chosen.

This year the race has segregated the swimming lanes based on strokes rather than by the speed of the swimmer.  The participants need to take a piece of rubber band from the person in charge at the end of the pool for counting the number of laps that you swam.  If the rubber bands gets too much, you can come up to the counting stations and deposit them. The organisers will calculate the number of laps clocked.  You also have to wear a participating wrist band to show that you are part of the race.  If you drop the baggage, you will also have another baggage tag.

I took part in the morning slot from 9am -11am at the Toa Payoh Safra.  All of the Safra Pools are well equipped and has hot water showering facilities.  There are also man eateries inside the club house,  the organisers set up a water station and bananas, water and isotonic drinks are provided for the participants.  In between the swim, you can come out and relax, get some replenishment and go back to swim again.

Hydration and Supplement of banana is available

On the whole this is a very nice activity to participate and good for families, even those members in the family who doesn’t swim, they can still come and support or look after the bags for the participants.  I like this event and join almost every year.  If you join one slot at all four of the SAFRA clubs , you will get unique medals for each activity and they form to become a larger medal.

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