Open Water Swim Adventure

Never been a good swimmer , maybe due to my physique and I was rather obsessed about running all these while.  Swimming is however no doubt a good exercise as it incorporates all the limbs.

First got to know about this swimming group in Tanjong Beach through a FaceBook friend called Oswald.  I never believed that people can actually meet through FaceBook.   But somehow we met and that was how I started to have regular swims at Tanjong Beach.  The group will swim on Sat mornings which is also kinda not easy for me due to Running Hour commitments and many other running groups like to have run activities early on Saturdays.  So I just pace myself, having 2 sessions a month at least.

The first two times I was there, I swam only in the lagoon.  Was really afraid of the sea bugs due to a bad experience years bad, badly bitten and full of itchy scratches.  Then I realise that the sea bugs only hit our coast during the year end after a real veteran swimmer , Davy Koh told me about it.

beach running with Oswald

Venturing to Pulau Palawan

first time with Mayada and Oswald guiding us with Jac

So there was this one time Oswald said that there is this island off the coast of Palawan beach.  I didn’t even realise that till he mention.  One of the rainy saturday morning, me and another swimmer, Mayada decided to try swim to there for the first time.  I never knew it was 4km away, kept thinking that it is only 3.6km away.  The first time there was really torturous as I am totally unprepared, drinking a lot of red wine the night before.  I thought this time I be dead.  The current was strong and wind was strong with the drizzles.  Luckily, Oswald and Jac ( a strong lady swimmer) followed us through.  The waited up at points near to the coast.  We managed to hit the island, I was half dead and as usual, the slowest in the group.  But managed  to get some footage and photos for this trip.  The going back was easier as the skies cleared and weather got better.  I kept telling myself to remember to keep near to the coast.  After I reach back the shore, there was this first time marathon feeling, I was zoned out.

But after that first time, it seemed like swimming in the lagoon is no more an option.  All of us just opted to go out into the sea.  The beach also got more popular at this point because travelling was not an option now, Singapore do not offer many places to go and thus beaches became popular.  We had to register online for the 5 people gathering slot.  The beach was also cornered off to prevent overcrowding.  Covid 19 has got us becoming used to this kind of treatment.

Hot bodies

Me and Jac

Practice Makes Perfect

Pool swim in TPY

During this period, I started to go to swimming pool more often to perfect my swims.  I was able to go faster and be less breathless.  I eventually went out 2 more times, it become easier each time, but as the year end approaches the sea bugs starts to come and get me all itchy again.  But somehow after a few times, the body seemed to have build some sort of immunity.  I still get zapped but not as bad.  I will apply calamine lotion after and also the jelly fish cream before heading the waters.  Wearing all long was also good.

I also had to be careful about swimming further out as the hidden current can prevent you from moving forward and get stuck ( usually somewhere near the metal structure).  Seaweeds are another thing to look out for.

Was really glad that I started serious open water swim this year.  It was important part of the Ironman eventually which I never really practiced.  Guess better late than never.

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