Lemon Water and its Benefits


Drinking lemon water is considered to aid in losing weight.  It is actually quite logical.  Lemon is packed with a lot of nutrients and vitamins.  They have high contents of Vitamin C, B-Complex.  Beside that they are also known to have calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium and Fiber.  These are essential for keeping the skin healthy and maintenance of health.


Lemon water

Why don’t we just eat the lemon itself?  The reason is that lemon pure by itself is very acidic and can cause the enamel of your teeth to be worn away.  Therefore, it is very important to dilute it with water ( best with lukewarm water), so that it will not harm your teeth when you drink.

What you can do is to squeeze out the juice from the lemon into a container, pour in the luke warm water with the ratio 1:10.  100 ml of lemon juice with 1 litre of water.  You can bring the container to work or school making it easy to drink all day long.

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

  • Reduces Inflammation

When you drink lemon water on a regular basis, it helps to decrease the acidity in the body, lemon on the contrary, is actually an Alkaline based fruit.  As such drinking  alot of lemon water helps to reduce the level of Acidity in your body.

  • It helps digestion


Lemon juice helps to loosen the toxins in the digestive tract, relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping and bloating.  Good digestive system helps to maintain good health.

Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating.  The pectin fiber found in lemons also help with fighting hunger cravings.

  • System detox and cleansing
 credits: naturains.com

credits: naturains.com

It helps to flush out the toxins in the body and enhance enzyme functions, stimulating the liver.

The antioxidants found the lemon juice can help to decrease blemishes and wrinkles.  By applying lemon slices on dark spots on the skin can actually help to reduce and lighten the darkness over time.

  • Fights flu and cough
credits: drwillard.com

credits: drwillard.com

The high level of Vitamin C helps to fight and counteract against the symptoms of flu and cold.  By drinking loads of lemon water when you are about to fall sick can actually help to reduce the symptoms and also acts as a pro biotics to prevent yourself from falling sick.  It also helps to combat the disease as a natural remedy.  It is very important that we keep the level of Vitamin C in the body at its optimum.


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