Taking Care of Your Hair- Prevention of Hair Loss


Sometimes I feel runners do not really care about their body when they over train or go too deep into running. I will be touching a few things about beauty and health in the next few posts.   Although we need to train hard, it should not be until that stage that we neglect our well being whether inside ( joints and organs ) or outside.

A normal, healthy person sheds about 50-100 strands of hair everyday, most of the hair will grow back.  Each strand have a life cycle of about 3-6 years.  Your scalp will start to show and looks bald when:

  • you hair drops more than 100 strands a day or a few hundreds.
  • When the hair does not grow back ( a condition known as Alopeica)

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are many factors that can result in Hair loss.  The most common ones are here:

  • Medical condition and treatment:  Chemotherapy, intake of certain medications, or even a sudden change to extreme diet can cause hair loss rapidly.
  • Stress:  Stress can cause hormonal imbalances and changes to the body that can cause hair to drop off fast.  Some people might even suffer Trichotillomania, this is a condition where the sufferer will keep pulling or fondling the hair due to stress.
  • Pregnancy, Childbirth and Menopause:  These can also cause hair fall due to Hormonal imbalances.  Or changes in your diet.
  • Poor Personal Hygiene:  If you do not take care of your scalp properly and allow a lot of dead skin to build up, especially those people who have oily scalps, Hair loss can also occur.

So how can we salvage the hair loss situation?

  • Healthy Diet and Lifestyle:Have a healthy and balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrition required by your body.  Keep a healthy lifestyle like having adequate exercise, proper hours of sleep and drink loads of water to flush out your toxins.
  • Hair Weaving: You can also go for hair weaving to weave in more hair so that your scalp does not look that bald.
  • Taking more vegetables : Vegetables especially the green leafy ones, has a lot of nutrition like zinc that helps with strengthening of the hair and prevents hair fall.
  • Less or no Alcohol or cigarettes:  These are free radicals that can cause harm to your body.  Try to reduce them so that your body can function properly and you need not have to suffer hair loss.

Keeping your scalp clean and go for occassional hair treatment can also help in the prevention of hair loss.


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