Running and Knee Pain

For a long distance runner, it is very very common to have knee pain wearing out of your knee etc.  The knee is an important part of your joint from the hips down.  The moment we move, walk, jog or run, we are using it.

Pain Killers and prolonged knee pain

The pain killers are the short term solution to help you curb the pain, but if the pain is recurring and you constantly feel that you are having sharp paints on the knee joints, it is best that you get a scan or an X ray done on your leg and knee as soon as possible.  You might be suffering from Osteoarthritis where a chronic disorder of the cartilage lining of the joint gradually breaks down and forms cracks and holes.  This will eventually expose the underlying bone.  Doctors are likely to prescribe physiotherapy for the knee to strengthen.

Menisceal Injuries

The meniscus is a cup that holds the two moving knee parts in the knee joint together.  It gives the stability so that the movement of the knee does not result in giving away.  Treatment varies depending on the level of knee wear out.  Sometimes, this kind of problem can be curb by injecting some artificial gel or visco supplement into the affected area.  Event with the gel and injections, the treatment can only last you for a few years and you probably have to go back again.  You can also opt for surgery to remove it all together but that will mean you probably cannot maintain an active lifestyle after that.

How to protect our knees:

  • Do not over train, try to have a proper training schedule which is well planned and spaced out.  Make sure that you have a period of good rest before you go for another race.  Do also ensure that you have proper nutrition and sleep before you go for another race.
  • Keep your weight in check-  Obesity and overweight has been known to cause strain to your knees and also the knees to wear out faster.  Having proper weight can reduce a lot of health issues.
  • Eating proper meal and have proper nutrition: If your diet do not have a lot of collagen or glucosamin to help in ensuring that you have those minerals.  Do make sure you take some supplements etc to keep the body balance and healthy.
Knee Structure

Knee Structure

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